You are what you eat
The human body heals itself and nutrition provides the resources to accomplish the task Roger Williams PhD

I was lucky enough to get the right advice on nutrition from the moment I found the lump in my breast, which was two months before I caved into having chemotherapy. (Unfortunately to date I haven't had ANY advice on nutrition from the hospital as regards diet, which might have been an oversight, I don't know.) I changed my diet immediately and improved my health overnight, not only by ERRADICATING the foods that acted as FUEL FOR THE CANCER CELLS, but by eating an ORGANIC, SEMI-RAW VEGAN DIET I boosted every system in my body, (particularly my immune system), and the results were there for all to see: I was a walking shampoo and good skin advert. Even your sweat smells OK! It hasn't been easy at times, and this coming from someone who was more or less a vegetarian beforehand, but how can you eat something like a baked potato or chocolate when you know it's what cancer cells live off? So, I didn't eat meat anyway or drink coffee, but I CUT OUT the following which was just as hard for me:
WHEAT (so no bread, no pasta, no pizza, no crackers, no biscuits, no croissants, crumpets or muffins for breakfast)
SOYA (no mung beans, no tofu, no seitan - major source of protein for me)
ALL FRIED/COOKED FOOD unless it was steamed or baked vegetables (no more sauces, no more stir-fries, no more paellas, no more Spanish omelettes)
POTATOES (my major source of comfort in 2011)
DAIRY (ahh! never was a fan of milk, but hell, no cheese?!)
CHOCOLATE AND SUGAR (my second major source of comfort in 2011)
ALL PROCESSED FOODS (no curry sauces, nothing our of a jar)
My beloved basmati RICE - only wholemeal grains, and preferably quinoa or miso
ALCOHOL (not a biggie for me, hardly drank)
CAFFEINE (well, in my case tea)
SALTY SNACKS (my other major source of comfort in 2011)
MARGARINE AND BUTTER (no more toast!!!)
An anti-cancer diet
The most fundamental change we have to make as regards diet is to ELIMINATE or MINIMISE as far as possible all CARBOHYDRATES and all SUGAR. As I understand it, healthy cells are aerobic (they need oxygen), while cancer cells are anaerobic, which means they thrive on glucose, which they get from carbohydrates and sugar. To process carbohydrates and sugar the body releases insulin from the pancreas. So oncology patients need to avoid sudden increases in blood pressure/releases of insulin, which we can do by eating smaller portions i.e. five small meals a day as opposed to three, and by eating the types of food that cause little insulin to be released.
If we eliminate carbs then we need to get our energy from other types of food, such as fibre and protein, to keep up our defenses. Well, the yogis would take this a few steps further
FOODS THAT ARE PERMITTED- preferably organic (IG under 55)
vegetables, fruit, pulses (but not soya or butter beans), wholemeal grains, seeds, oil, fish and seafood
MODERATE CONSUMPTION (IG between 55 and 70)
see table below
NOT PERMITTED (IG between 70 and100)
sugar, white flour and refined ... (rice, white bread, cornflakes, biscuits, pastries and cakes), modified starch, chips, corn on the conb or sweet corn, beer, coca-cola and fizzy drinks, jams, chocolate
negatively magnetised water
water with lemon and bicarbonate of soda
green tea
garlic and ginger
supplements - vibragest for digestion, iron supplement, magnesium supplement, homeopathy, carnitina (to protect the heart), pastillas for thrush, omega 3, arcilla, glutamine (to stop mouth sores), cardo mariano (for the liver), theanina formula (to relax, for the defenses and for the numbness in the hands and feet
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