The healing of the body cannot be separated from the healing of the mind Hippocrates
If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him. Hippocrates
I am not a doctor or a scientist, I'm a yoga teacher. In this blog I have gathered information from a myriad of sources, some medical, some alternative and the opinions and beliefs I hold are true for ME.
After a decade of not only reading about health and the human body but also a decade or so of first-hand experience through yoga and observing the body and its reactions I am convinced our bodies are incredibly intelligent and wonderfully wise. Our bodies don't go crazy and fall ill willy-nilly. My belief is that illness and altered states of health come about for a reason (be it a cold, an upset stomach or cancer) and that it is principally our MIND and our EMOTIONS that alter our health. Maybe there's a spiritual element too? Who knows.
Of course it's undeniable that infectious deseases exist, that there is air pollution, that our modern diet is completely adulterated, full of additives and preservatives or even genetically modified, that our modern western lifestyle is stressful, unhealthy, sedentary, cut off from nature, and the emissions from modern technological gadgets - mobile phones, microwaves, wifi, etc damage our health in ways we cannot conceive. These are all what they call risk factors. For me, they are not what CAUSES illness, but maybe they are what tips the balance. I agree with the following authors that we are not mere victims of bacteria, viruses, germs or environmental factors (what comes from the outside), we are actually responsible for what is going on on the inside : see the books I have recommended in the book section - Bruce Lipton, Daniel Goleman, Jader Tolja, La enfermedad como camino, Lise Bourbeau, Louise Hay, Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, Bert Hellinger etc).
The human body is quite simply amazing. It tends towards homeostasis inspite of EVERYTHING we do to it - from appalling diet to air pollution, chronic stress, sleepless nights, chain smoking or years of negative thinking. It is my deepest held belief that our bodies´ reactions are a reflection of what we think and feel, and what we think and feel alters our energy, our cells, our nervous system, our glandular system, our digestive system (which is our second brain), our organs, our breathing, our blood circulation and every fibre in our body.
So why did I, why do some people get cancer and others don't? Why do some smokers get lung cancer while others don't? Why do some people who have the most unhealthy lifestyles and eating habits stay as fit as a fiddle? Why do some seemingly super healthy people come down with illnesses when they do? Again for me the answers are in the books I've mentioned, and in the yoga section of this blog. Here I'll just stick to the subject of breast cancer and my own particular circumstances.
Before being diagnosed with cancer, I had thought I was so in touch with my body and its needs. I had listened out for the slightest alteration, paid attention to the slightest symptoms of non-health, all the while I had a steady job and structure in my life. But in January 2011 everything went haywire. After a six-month existential crisis, I gave up a steady income of 20 years as an English teacher and started life as a free-lance yoga teacher, which didn't provide me with a living and had me literally sprinting from class to class from dusk till dawn. The stress became chronic when my mother was diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the oesphofagus in September 2011, I couldn't sleep, and I was quite frankly grief-stricken. I stopped socialising and worked on projects on the computer all weekend long and even through Christmas and Easter 2012. My diet deteriorated to downright appalling (masses of starch and sugar) and then when I finally stopped worrying about work and about my mother in May 2012 I discovered the lump in my breast.
No doctor in the public health sector dealing with my case has asked me about my lifestyle, my habits or my diet. That's not what their job is about. But the fact that my mother and I both had cancer AT THE SAME TIME was surely no coincidence. The doctors I dealt with did ask me about family history of illness and especially cancer - parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents - some said it had a bearing (meaning it's in the family genes) while others said it didn't.
Curiously enough, it's the doctors, seemingly so logical and methodical, who ignore the emotional reasons behind ill health. Yet it is our nervous system, along with the glandular system, which control every other system in the body! Every emotion and thought causes a chemical reaction in the body! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think most doctors put it all down to genes or a simple malfunction. (I'll do a survey on that one). Meanwhile us so-called illogical, crazy hippies, who ponder on the universe and the meaning of existence look for the causes behind everything, especially illness.
Imagine my surprise, bordering on disbelief, when I came across doctors in the private sector, oncologists no less, who asked me these all-important questions about my lifestyle. In a session called psycho-biology in a private oncology clinic I was given the following diagnosis of the cause of breast cancer, according to Dr Hamer (see more below):
Severe diseases orginiate from a shock event which is experienced by the individual as very difficult, highly acute, dramatic and isolating. The shock's psychological conflict content determines the location of the appearance of a focus of activity in the brain that can be seen in a CT scan as a set of concentric rings, called Hamer foci, which correspond to the location of the disease in the body. The subsequent developemnt of the conflict determines the developemnt of both the brain focus and the disease.
Well, Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer got testicular cancer after his son was shot and his wife, also a doctor, got breast cancer after the same event and eventually died. So he started asking his oncology patients questions and He discovered the following: (I quote from Wikipedia)territorial conflicts, separation conflicts, self-devaluation and identity conflicts. Dr Hamer's findings are controversial and his treatments even more is a conflict of the nest - home, partner, children, work even a pet
children - In a right-handed person, the impact is on the right hemisphere of the brain, and this will correspondingly affect the left breast
partner -in a right-handed person, the impact is on the LEFT hemispheres of the brain, affecting the right breast.
According to Dr Hamer
The placebo effect is common knowledge nowadays, although I don't think we really take on board the full implications of this. Simply put, the body heals itself.
lifestyle - avoid stress, get back to nature, avoid electronic appliances, get a good night's sleep, relearn how to breathe correctly, posture and being in touch with the body
diet - no meat and dairy, no sugar, no starch, no processed, no alcohol, no nicotine, go raw, go organic
thoughts and emotions - love yourself first, give your body what it needs, switch your brain off, avoid negativity, forget the past and live in the present and be happy
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