I would see the doctor, have three chemo sessions programmed, then I would phone up the reception where they programme the visits and say I wasn't going to turn up. Then another visit with the doctor three weeks later, chemo mission 2 planned, chemo mission 2 aborted. The first time was forgiven and put down to the fear of starting treatment (I can't have been the first to do this, surely?), but the second time I got my knuckles severely rapped. I was told the medication was extremely costly and because it is prepared specifically for each patient the day before, it had had to be thrown away. I wasn't and am still not sure whether to believe that or not. If it is true it means the big pharmaceutical companies are making a packet out of cancer (there now, what a surprise).
I finally started chemotherapy on the 3rd of August 2012, the day of my birthday. I didn't and don't think I had put off the inevitable. From the very beginning I had had NO REAL intention of doing chemotherapy. Chemotherapy had always been one of my (and everybody's?) greatest fears. I had accompanied my mother to the hospital for her marathon 8 hour session of christmas chemotherapy in December 2011. Guildford Hospital, the UK. It really had seemed sinister to me at the time: wards full of sickly looking oncology patients hooked up on drips, patiently poisoning their bodies and everybody going around as if that were the normal state of events.
More than anything I couldn't see the logic of it: how could I put a poison inside my body that would kill healthy cells? How could I make myself ill when I was healthy? Yes, healthy. This is not living in cloud-cuckoo land (quaint expression). Health is: vitality, balance, good skin and hair, bright eyes, all body systems working well - good digestion, good circulation, a relaxed nervous and endocrine system (after the Reconnection), the hospital blood tests showed a strong immune system, relaxed breathing, a strong and supple body...
But the fact of the matter was that there was a tumour and a ganglion affected. In the no-holds barred language of my Span partner "you've got a time bomb inside you". The power of the mind, the power of words. Little by little the fear of metastasis overcame me, I believed in the treatments I was receiving, but it was a slow process, was there enough time? Then I started to feel/imagine strange sensations in the areas of the lymph system, which is something I shouldn't have looked up on the Internet. Here is a picture below for the non-susceptible.
I thought I had very firm beliefs, though obviously not that firm. I also recognised that I wasn't mentally strong enough to carry the responsibility, yet ultimately I believe we are all solely responsible for our health and our recovery from illness. Some doctors like to think it's down to them, the wise ones know that modern medicine is still in the dark ages. All in all, I didn't have the force of will or of my convictions or what they call the connection with myself to go AGAINST the whole darn establishment. Again, for the meditators among us, I had lost my connection with the source. So, with an extremely heavy heart I started chemotherapy, which is absolutely the wrong way to go about it!
But the fact of the matter was that there was a tumour and a ganglion affected. In the no-holds barred language of my Span partner "you've got a time bomb inside you". The power of the mind, the power of words. Little by little the fear of metastasis overcame me, I believed in the treatments I was receiving, but it was a slow process, was there enough time? Then I started to feel/imagine strange sensations in the areas of the lymph system, which is something I shouldn't have looked up on the Internet. Here is a picture below for the non-susceptible.
I thought I had very firm beliefs, though obviously not that firm. I also recognised that I wasn't mentally strong enough to carry the responsibility, yet ultimately I believe we are all solely responsible for our health and our recovery from illness. Some doctors like to think it's down to them, the wise ones know that modern medicine is still in the dark ages. All in all, I didn't have the force of will or of my convictions or what they call the connection with myself to go AGAINST the whole darn establishment. Again, for the meditators among us, I had lost my connection with the source. So, with an extremely heavy heart I started chemotherapy, which is absolutely the wrong way to go about it!